Life's a beach


January 1st, 2023.  Middle Beach, Biddeford, ME

After a weekend of waaaay too much food and lots and lots of football, I awoke excited to get on my exercise bike and enjoy a strenuous workout. I hoped that if I was particularly vigorous, I might sweat off a few pounds. It then dawned on me what a solitary activity biking is and that by working out alone, I might be missing a great opportunity. When I checked the weather and saw that it was 51 degrees, I knew what had to be done.  

Jordana, hurry up and get dressed.  We’re going to the beach. 

Huh, what, it’s winter, Ad. How can we do that? 


It’s only winter on the calendar, babe.  Get moving!  

Not 15 minutes later, we were crossing over the dunes and setting out onto the sand.

The first folks we encountered were two UNE students who were trying to snap a selfie as they were toweling off after a dip in the water. I offered to be their photographer and they readily accepted.  As is my custom, I traded a  favor for a little intel.  

Did you really go in? Was it freezing?  What made you do it?  

Yes, we went in.  Yes, it was freezing. And yes, it's always been something we wanted to do on New Year’s Day.

The next folks we passed were literally dozens of dog walkers. Frustrated dog lover that I am, I stopped to play with any canine willing to play with me.  Everyone we met was super friendly, seemingly quite happy, and clearly enjoying the moment.  Along the way, Jordana and I found a few pieces of sea glass which is always a special (and lucky) part of our walks!

The penultimate person we came across, we did from afar as we watched her pull off her sweats and race to the water in her fire engine red bathing suit, her gray hair blowing in the wind.  You can never be sure of such things, but I am willing to bet she was a decade, if not two, older than we are. She didn’t just dip her toes, she dove right in and swam through the waves, surfacing every few strokes, only to dive under again. We watched enthralled.

The final person we connected with was just behind us on the boardwalk and headed back to the parking lot.  When it was clear she was within earshot and just as bundled up as we were, I asked her: 

For a million dollars, would you go for a swim?  

Without missing a beat, she answered: 

Only if you pay me cash. But that woman out there will happily do it for free. 

I asked her if she knew the crimson clad adventurer and she replied only that she knew it was her tradition to always take a New Year’s Day swim.

Last week, I celebrated another birthday - 56 if you must know.  Do I feel any different, any older? No, not at all. And Jordana and the boys would certainly tell you, I am not any more mature.  Age most definitely is a state of mind.

To all the folks on Middle Beach, did it matter that it was January 1st and the early days of winter in Maine?  No, summer is a state of mind.

To all the folks making resolutions and setting intentions, does it matter that it is New Year’s?  No, not necessarily. The best time to make change is really just a state of mind. Whenever you decide you are ready and willing - that’s the time to do it.

If you woke up yesterday or today with goals for 2023 - good for you. And if there’s anything I can do to help you achieve them, don’t hesitate to let me know.  And if you didn’t, well that’s okay too. Remember, your ability and readiness for growth is really just a state of mind. You can be as effective making resolutions and declaring your intentions on April 1st or even July 1st as you can on January 1st.

You’re always as young as you feel.

Age is just a state of mind.

January 1st is as good a beach day as August 1st. 

Summer is just a state of mind.

In conclusion, and paraphrasing Rabbi Olitzky: 

We celebrate each passing year, each year that we grow older, with fervor and enthusiasm and are thankful for each day that we have lived, for each day that we have learned, for each day that we have loved.  Life’s Daily Blessing

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023.

