A most meaningful Monday


“I wear many hats.  

I do many jobs.”


“I have many men in my command.

I write many reports.”

Kieffer Sutherland, AKA: Lt. Kendrick

It will all make sense in a minute

As I explained in my last blog, I am doing a little bit of everything - Executive Coaching at HBS, Life Coaching at c3, supporting my Legacy Weight Loss Patients, and seeing Medicare Advantage Members for in-home medical evaluations. And I am loving every minute of it. Ok, almost every. Today I wore my doctor's hat, lab coat, and stethoscope and was on the road making house calls.

Vignettes used with permission and with subtle changes to protect privacy.

The first person I saw was a very happy and healthy 69 year old. Their only complaint was that their son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren live in the Pacific Northwest. Not exactly easy to get to, but they and their spouse trek there several times a year. They spend a week and have a wonderful time with their kids and grandkids. They make the most of their visits rather than lament the long gaps in between.

My second visit was to a 76 year old, non-English speaking immigrant from Asia. Translation was done by their devoted adult child. They live together so that the progeny can care for the parent and do things like translate, manage finances, shop, and anything else that would otherwise be a challenge with age and language as obstacles. There was no evident resentment or stress. Appreciation, love, and respect were on display and quite easy to see.

My third house call was to a retired 65 year old who probably had the most reason to be dissatisfied, but really wasn’t. Despite a health issue that necessitated an earlier than expected retirement and providing lifelong care to a 35 year special needs adult child, they were quite content. They kept their days full of activity and engagement. While I was there, I had a chance to meet a neighbor who stopped by for coffee and a chat and their two adorable Labradoodles. Anyone who knows me is aware that a playful pup is the whipped cream and cherry atop any home visit.

So what did these three have in common? Several things I think:

  1. Not everything in their lives turned out as they had hoped, or even as they had planned.
  2. And they just didn’t let that bother them.  
  3. They were accepting, introspective, and thankful.
  4. These three saw opportunity in adversity and recognized their power to choose their path and their positivity.

Their approach reminds me of a teaching from Pirkei Avot - The Ethics of the Fathers: “Who is happy? He or she that is content with their lot.”  It also calls to mind this great quote and wisdom from John Wooden, legendary basketball coach at UCLA: “Things (generally) turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” I just love that!

Today’s message comes from these “three wise clients,” who I really do believe were put in my path so that I, and by extension you, might learn from them. Pirkei Avot and Coach Wooden add valuable commentary. I will conclude by offering this wish: That you all enjoy peace and contentment and if not, that you remember the sage words of Winnie the Pooh, which I have shared before: “I always get where I am going by leaving where I’ve been behind.”

Anytime for anything. I am ever interested in your journey and supportive of your success.


PS: The Kieffer Sutherland/Kendrick quote is from A Few Good Men, one of my favorite movies, and since my quote is a paraphrase, it made sense to share it.

PPS:  I made a few too many purchases on my recent trip to Mallorca and the only way to get them home safely was upon my head. When I was questioned by the Customs and Border Patrol Officer, she rather dryly asked “Anything else to declare OTHER than your six hats? 
