

Season's Greetings and Holiday Wishes

May the light of the holidays illuminate your path today and always.  And may it shine brightly upon your way - as if to say - you will not travel alone.

Whatever you will be celebrating this season, I wish you joy and festivity, health and happiness, and that you be surrounded by friends, family, and those you care most about.  I hope that 2023 brings you peace, prosperity, and the realization of all you dream.

Chanukah, often called the “festival of light,” began Sunday night. Narrowly defined, it is a 2000 year old remembrance of the victory of the few over the many, the weak over the strong, the oppressed over their oppressors, and quite literally of the light over the darkness.  More metaphorically, it is a reminder that imprisonment can come as much from within as from without.  The sun can be shining ever so brightly, but if our real or figurative sunglasses preclude us from seeing it, what opportunities are we blind to?  If the sun slides behind the clouds, how quick are we to give up on it, rather than have confidence that it will soon reappear?  

At times like those, it may help to remember Annie’s optimism:

The sun'll come out tomorrow

Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow

There'll be sun


Just thinkin' about tomorrow

Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow

'Til there's none


When I'm stuck with a day that's gray and lonely

I just stick up my chin and grin and say, oh

The sun'll come out tomorrow


Speaking of sunshine and travels, the light is shining brightly at the end of my coach training journey.  I have just two tasks left to complete:  I need to conduct nine introductory conversations and take my final exam.  What began back in March, more than 300 training hours, 37 webinars, 24 sessions coaching a peer, 24 sessions being coached by a peer, and six sessions coaching a professional coach, as well as many other educational opportunities later, is now coming to a happy and successful conclusion.  


To complete my education and get my coaching certification, I just need a little help, a favor if you will: are you willing to give me just 30 minutes of your time? If so, we will Zoom, FaceTime, or simply have a phone call and talk about coaching.  And that’s it. No pressure.  No sales job.  I will practice explaining coaching to you, you can engage and ask questions if you wish, and that will fulfill my program requirement.  If you are willing to help - you can 1) get in touch with me directly and we can schedule or 2) you can just visit my website and book a time that works for you: 

Thank you so much in advance.  I really appreciate your help.


Christmas is just 5 days away (hope your shopping is done) and New Years is 11 days away.  Why not give yourself a present today and start living and doing whatever you resolve to do next year - today.  Think of it as an 11 day head start.  Good luck.  Enjoy.


Whether you become one of the “nurturing nine” that help me get over the finish line or just reach out to say hello and update me on your progress - I look forward to hearing from you soon.


As always - anytime for anything.


