Seasons change and so do we...

“The year has many seasons. 
More than are recognized in the almanac.” 
Henry David Thoreau 

While Labor Day is not the official end to summer, that is still a few weeks away, it is certainly a harbinger of the changes to come. I was sitting with a friend on the beach two weeks ago and it was a glorious day - one of the nicest of the summer. And while we absolutely enjoyed the moment, there was certainly a sense of melancholy. We knew that the forecast was for rain on Monday, the holiday, and that for my friend who was just visiting Maine, this would likely be their last beach day of the summer. 

Had I been on my coaching game, I would have acknowledged and validated my friend’s emotion. Instead, and a little too quickly, I offered my oft uttered refrain that “summer is a state of mind” reflecting my belief - that to a great degree, every season and every situation, is what we make of it. 

“Tsk, tsk” my friend grunted. “Easy for you to say when you are so young, have so many summers ahead of you, and live in Maine - so near the beach.” That shook me back to my senses, got me to focus, and I was then able to acknowledge and validate their seeming struggle with the passage of time and impending change of season. 

If as Thoreau said, there are many seasons to the year, it might serve us well to embrace the idea that as much as the seasons change, so too there is a season of change and it just might be the one season that doesn’t change (read that again if you need to). And it has been so for centuries, as Heraclitus said in 500 BC “the only constant is change.” 

Segueing slightly, many of you, my legacy weight loss patients/clients/friends continue to stay in touch by email and text as well as FaceTime and Zoom - some for support to make change and others to help maintain the changes that they’ve already made. If you would like to schedule time to do either, just click this link: 
It is very easy to book a session with me, but if you have any issues - just text or email me. 

I am pleased to report that my coaching practice is growing. It is a slow and steady process. I have to keep reminding myself, that just as the first Lap-Band surgery led to the next and then to those that followed and that the same progression repeated with my Sleeve surgeries. And now, no surprise, it is happening with coaching engagements. That said, it could always happen a little more quickly. 

If you know anyone who might be interested in coaching, conversation, or connection, I would so appreciate the referral. Thank you. First engagements are always complimentary. Interested folks can visit my website,, to learn a little bit more about me and the process as well as to schedule a session or they can just skip right to making an appointment at: 

So, as the seasons change, be they summer to fall or rather just the many seasons of our year or of our life - may one thing remain constant - our commitment to experience them together. We began our journey as a team and I very much want for us to continue it that way. 

Anytime (and any season) for anything, 
