Morning Glory - 4/15/2020

Just yesterday, this was sent to me by a friend who was out for his morning run at Castle Island, Boston.



Just thinkin' about tomorrow -

Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow -

'Til there's none!

When I'm stuck with a day that's gray and lonely,

I just stick out my chin and grin and say -

Oh, the sun'll come out tomorrow.

So ya gotta hang on 'til tomorrow come what may.

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

I love ya, tomorrow!

You're always a day away!


Annie - Strouse,Charnin, Meehan


I think there are some powerful and poignant messages there.  My friend who sent the photo is also a weight loss client whom I have known for years.  I have always admired and respected his commitment to “his program” and diligence in getting up just before sunrise to get his exercise which he does both for health and peace of mind.  That he sent this photo to me says several things 1) I am up and doing what I need to do 2) we are in this together 3) there is still great beauty in the world and 4) as the song says - not only will “the sun come out tomorrow” but somewhere it is out today and shining brightly.  Our job is to remember that, to hang on, and to have faith.


I have heard at least a half dozen times recently that when children have been asked “what the pandemic means to them” that they have answered with a huge smile and said “more time with mommy or with daddy or with both.”  I have also heard that folks are back in touch with long lost friends and relatives. That they are reading books, doing projects, and taking hikes that they just “never seemed to get to” before. The pandemic is awful - there is no doubt - but there are also many silver linings glistening in the bright sun.  We need to keep our eyes open and see all that is before us.

Tonight, what is before us is our online support group at 7 pm.  The link to our zoom connection is available by request and has also been published in the patient run Facebook page ( - where winners choose to lose.)  Last week we had folks join from as far away as Maryland and Oregon and of course from as nearby as Norwood, Walpole, and Attleboro. Whether you have been a long time participant or have never attended - I would love to see you tonight.  We are all in this together and together we all will get through this.

Just think how happy we will be tonight at 7 - knowing we are that much closer to “tomorrow and to sunshine.”

All the best, always.

